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Solo Adds Heroic Magmaw

March 26, 2011

In my earlier Heroic Magmaw tips post I mentioned that we’d probably try a strategy where I tank all the parasites and Bone Constructs. There are a few changes I made to our previous strategy in order to do this, but I’ll likely go over those in a separate post if I ever do. It all comes down to positioning again. Having just myself DPS the parasites allowed for a lot more DPS uptime on the boss, but increased healing requirements. It worked out well because our overall raid DPS was lower than usual today. Our healers have always been solid though. Obviously I had a lot more responsibility as well, on top of what I already did with the Constructs.

Now, the fun stuff. The top ranked Protection Warrior for Magmaw for DPS held that rank because their guild also used this strategy. I was able to pass him by about 2800 DPS. World 6 and US 1 overall for any class/spec. Here’s some pictures so I remember. 🙂

WoL is here for those who are interested.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. April 2, 2011 1:00 am

    Nice catch Aulaugus 🙂
    49% in our tries yesterday with this tactic, and our warrior(2nd off tank)with 25k dps 🙂 We are using the positioning of your original post. We mostly eliminated the damage raid takes from Pillars and meteorites, but it seems that tanks are dying more often.
    Can you give me a link to see what is different in positioning?

    • April 2, 2011 2:08 am

      That’s kind of what happened. They started on the blue circle and then would move between the green ones. The yellow ones are where they would be during head phases depending on fires. I would try to tank the adds as close to the where a pillar spawned as possible. The more I moved, the harder it was to control the parasites. Taunting/Heroic Throw to get the Bone Constructs to me was the easiest method, and I’d move the whole group to the next pillar when it happened.

      The ranged group moved accordingly to avoid fires/pillars and kept as much distances from me as possible.

      The hardest thing is holding all the adds. Parasites infect you and then come off at different intervals so it’s partially about timing abilities to pick them up as they jump off, while collecting the newly spawning ones too.

      As far as helping your tank stay alive. I looked at your logs and on your longest attempt (5:17) he only used Mirror twice (1 minute CD), Shield Block 3 times (30 second CD!), Demo Shout once, and Shield Wall once (2 minute CD). Shield Wall I can forget about, but Shield Block should be used every single time it comes up and it will greatly reduce the incoming damage. Mirror should be used during the next Lava Spew once it’s off CD. Demo Shout should almost always be up.

      Windwalk has an insane uptime with all the adds attacking you, so I would recommend that also.

      He only Victory Rushed 5 times. Try to use it as much as possible. My priority is something like this Rend > Thunderclap > Demo > Victory Rush > Shockwave > Revenge > Shield Slam > Devastate. Cleave constantly. Obviously adjust for when a new Bone Construct comes in.

      Doing the fight this way puts A LOT of pressure on that tank. I wish there was some way to log my actions per minute because it’s probably the most intense encounter I’ve ever tanked when using that strategy. Fun but intense.

      • April 2, 2011 4:26 am

        Oh you did a research too 🙂 nice and thanks for the tips. Its intense but its doable and actually easiest for the rest

  2. April 4, 2011 6:27 am

    We downed him, thanks for the tips. And grats for Valiona,i think we should try to after conclaive

  3. April 7, 2011 7:15 am

    Hey Aulaugus, I was trying to your solo the parasites strats last night on heroic and we had some pretty good attempts. I was just wondering if I am supposed to tank the parasites and let them jump on me, or am I supposed to try to kite them and not let them jump on me. Let me know how you do it and a video would be pro. Thanks. Love the site.

    ~Efften, fellow warrior tank for life.

    • April 7, 2011 9:51 am

      After Rereading your strat today and analyzing our raids, the issue is more involved with my self cool downs and me infecting my range group when I didn’t need to.

      I think with a lil UI Modification I will be able to help my healers out. Our best attempt was low 40% I believe. Thanks


      • April 7, 2011 11:46 am

        Oh you definitely let them infect you. There’s no way to avoid that when you tank them. Then they jump off you and will have their aggro table resets when they do.

        Once you’re more comfortable with the fight you can watch the debuff on Infection so you know when they’re jumping off you. Then you can time Demo Shout, Tclap, Shockwave, or Taunt appropriately to grab aggro right away. Usually I end up having a couple get away from me and reach a ranged. It’s just unavoidable at times. Just try to pick up the add as quickly as possible.


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